Tanganyikan Group Buy...


Coming Soon...
A Group Buy from one of the Most Respected Tanganyikan People, other than Sarah, in the US...

More details to come...from Sarah, of course.:p


Seriously, if you keep Tangs you WILL want to get in on this Group Buy.

Sarah, time to get rid of a few things:
Computer desk.
Replace all of these with tanks!


ok....here it is....

October 2nd ECC/CCA Group Buy With...


There is a pre-order list below but he also has fish he has bred on his website that are available....

I'm not 100% how we are going to work shipping.... but either they will be shipped down here to BWI or they will be delivered. As usual shipping will be divided between members.


ok the list ....

Now please take my advice, Tom's Tangs is very popular. Please order early.

You can order from the list below until Sept. 7th.​

Wild collected Tank Raised items Lake Malawi
NAME Preis 10er 20er 50er 100er
Aristochromis *christyi 8-10 cm $35
Aulonocara *baenschi benga 7-9 cm 25
Buccochromis *heterotaenia 10-12 cm $42
Buccochromis *nototaenia 9-12 cm $38
Buccochromis *rhoadesi yellow 10-12 cm $38
Buccochromis *spectabilis 9-12 cm 44 few
Copadichromis *borleyi Chitande 10-12 cm $47.50 SHOW few
Copadichromis *freewater 10-12 cm 48 COLOR
Copadichromis mloto white head Likoma albino 8-11 cm $53 females
Lethrinops *spec. red cap(Real) 8-10 cm 48 males COLOR NICE

Lake Tanganyika: bred (Nachzuchten)
NAME Preis 10er 20er 50er 100er
Callochromis macrops red Ndole Bay 12
Callochromis macrops red eye Ikola sm 13 NICE
Callochromis melanostigma SNZ $14 COLOR
Callochromis pleurospilus Kigoma 15
Callochromis pleurospilus 15
Callochromis pleurospilus Bulu Point $14
Chalinochromis ndobhoi sm $9.50
Cunningtonia longiventralis Sambia 5-8 cm $19
Cyathopharynx foai Halembe 4-6 cm $19
Cyathopharynx foai Kabogo copper 4-6 cm $23 RARE
Cyathopharynx foai Karilani copper 4-6 cm $22
Cyathopharynx foai Mbete blue $22
Cyathopharynx foai Mbita yellow chin $18
Cyathopharynx foai Mbita yellow chin 6-8 cm $25
Cyathopharynx foai Sumbu $25 NICE
Cyathopharynx foai Sibwesa $26
Cyathopharynx furcifer Kabogo blue $24 RARE
Cyathopharynx furcifer Kigoma $21
Cyathopharynx furcifer Ndole $20
Cyathopharynx furcifer Resha $28 few
Cyathopharynxfurc. Ruziba $23
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kachese $18 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma Katete 4-7 cm $19 NICE
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kigoma 17 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba 5-8 cm $23 NICE COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba albino 4-6 cm $34 NICE NEW
Cyprichromis leptosoma Kitumba albino 6-8 cm Sexable $45 NICE NEW
Cyprichromis leptosoma Bulu Point $11
Cyprichromis leptosoma blue flash $21
Cyprichromis leptosoma Chipimbi $18
Cyprichromis leptosoma Chituta $19
Cyprichromis leptosoma tricolor Kabogo yellow tip 18 NICE
Cyprichromis leptosoma Livua Zaire $18 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma Mamelesa 6-8 cm $19.50 NEW
Cyprichromis leptosoma Mvuna 5-7 cm $21.50 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma tricolor sm 15 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma tricolor medium $19 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma Utinta sm $11
Cyprichromis leptosoma Utinta orange/red tail $20.50 NICE COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo Chaitika $21 COLOR
Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo Chipimbi $18 NEW
Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo Mupulungu gold fin $17.50 COLOR
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Bulu Point Dark blue $27.50
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Bulu Point Sattelfleck $29.00 NEW
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Karilani 5-7 cm $24 COLOR
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Kassei sm $32 RARE
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Kigoma $23
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Kiriza black $34 NICE RARE
Cyprichromis microlepidotus Mabilibili $29.50 Nice
Cyprichromis pavo Kapampa $21 NEW
Cyprichromis pavo moliro yellow $24 NICE NEW
Cyprichromis spec. zebra 5-7 cm $27 few
Cyprichromis zonatus 5-7 cm $19,50
NAME Preis 10er 20er 50er 100er
Ectodus descampsi 5-7 cm $19 NICE
Enantiopus melanogenys Makola 4-6 cm $28.50 10,00 RARE NEW
Enantiopus melanogenys Utinta orange tail $2050
Eretmodus cyanostictus Ikola orange 3-4 cm $10.50 RARE
Greenwoodochromis christyi $23,50 RARE
Greenwoodochromis christyi 8-10 cm $33 RARE
Julidochromis marlieri 8,50
Julidochromis marlieri 5-7 cm $10.50 NICE
Julidochromis ornatus bright yellow Zaire $9,50
Julidochromis regani 5.50
Julidochromis regani gold Sambia $8,50
Julidochromis regani Kaseke 5-7 cm $9,00 NICE
Julidochromis regani Kipili 8.50
Julidochromis regani Kipili 4-6 cm F1 $7,50 VERY NICE
Julidochromis transcriptus Gombi sm 8.50
Julidochromis transcriptus Kalemie $9.00
Lamprichthys tanganican 4-6 cm $17,50 NICE
Lamprologus brevis $5,00
Lamprologus brevis Katabe $5,50
Lamprologus brichardi $5.50
Lamprologus brichardi black Bemba $6.50
Lamprologus calliurus Mpimbwe 9.50
Lamprologus calliurus Mpimbwe 4-6 10.50
Lamprologus calvus black 7.50
Lamprologus caudopunctatus orange fin 9.50
Lamprologus caudopunctatus orange fin 4-6 cm 10.50
Lamprologus compressiceps Chaitika 4-6 cm 12
Lamprologus compressiceps red fin Kigoma 8.50
Lamprologus cygnus 13.50 NICE
Lamprologus daffodil 6.00
Lamprologus elongatus 6-8 cm $15.50
Lamprologus falcicula $16.50
Lamprologus fasciatus $10.50
Lamprologus fasciatus 5-8 cm $11.50
Lamprologus helianthus $16.00
Lamprologus leleupi longior 4-6 cm 9.50 NICE
Lamprologus leleupi orange $7.50
Lamprologus leleupi orange Karilani F1 9.50
Lamprologus leleupi yellow 6.50 NICE
Lamprologus marunguensis 9.50
Lamprologus multifasciatus 7.50
Lamprologus olivaceus 7.50
Lamprologus olivaceous Tembwe $6,50
Lamprologus similis $9.50 NICE
Lamprologus speciosus 9,20
Lamprologus splendens Zongwe 4$9.50 RARE
Lestradea stappersi Nundo Cap 4-6 cm $32 NEW RARE
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta tiger 4-6 cm $22
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta Bilila blue $27 NEW RARE
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta gold Kipili 4-6 cm $26
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta Sela 4-6 cm $26
NAME Preis 10er 20er 50er 100er
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta gold sm $26
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta Mukosa $27 RARE
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Kapampa blue head $17 RARE NEW
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Longola $25 NEW
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Mtoto Zaire 5-7 cm $26 RARE
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Nangu $22 NEW
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Nundu $24 NEW
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis orange head 5-6 cm $20 NICE
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Sumbu$18.50
Paracyprichromis brieni Lusingu yellow $21 NICE
Paracyprichromis spec. blue neon 5-7 cm $22 NICE
Paracyprichromis spec. blue neon sm $14
Petrochromis famula orange fin $28
Spathodus erythrodon Kigoma 9.50 RARE
Synodontis petricola 3-4 cm $13.50
Telmatochromis spec. vittatus 4-6 cm $8.00
Tropheus bemba 12
Tropheus bemba red SNZ $16
Tropheus duboisi maswa 8.50
Tropheus ilangi DNZ RARE Sold
Tropheus ilangi DNZ 6-8 cm Sold
Tropheus kazumbe gold $18 NEW
Tropheus kazumba orange $18
Tropheus moliro DNZ $17
(SNZ=Seenachzucht ca. 4-5 cm in guter Farbe)
Xenotilapia bathyphilus yellow lips Sambia 4-6 cm $20 NICE COLOR
Xenotilapia bathyphilus Kekese 4-6 cm $24 NICE few
Xenotilapia flavipinnis Bulombora $19.50 NICE
Xenotilapia flavipinnis Lyamembe red dorsal $22
Xenotilapia flavipinnis Kekese Red Royal sm $18 NICE
Xenotilapia flavipinnis Ndole $19 NEW
Xenotilapia flavipinnis yellow Nyanza Lac $26
Xenotilapia ochrogenys Ndole sm $19 RARE
Xenotilapia papilio sunflower Isanga 5-7 cm $48.50
Xenotilapia papilio Tembwe $44 SOLD
Xenotilapia papilio Tembwe 5-7 cm $54 SOLD
Xenotilapia spiloptera blue Kachese $28 NEW
Xenotilapia spiloptera yellow Mabilibili 4-6 cm $28 NICE

The fine print....

A few restrictions on pre-ordering with Tom...

Sizes: if the fish has no size it is 1.5"-2"5cm = 2"+ 7-8cm= 3"

He only accepts orders of 6 small fish or more, large fish 2 or more, show size- you can order 1 if they are sexable they come in pairs, some times trios.

If you have any further questions please contact Tom.

Please note.... Tom doesn't do small orders normally... his minimum is usually 175.00. Please take advantage of this group buy. Since it's a group buy there is no minimum for each person.
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Nice list. A word of caution for anyone that may be considering the killifish (hey, how did that get in there!) . Tanganicanus does not generally ship well once they are more than 1" in size.


Just a note... the fish on the list are from Germany :) And if you didn't know some of the better fish are from Germany, especially tangs. Tom will be keeping them for two weeks then we get them :) That is why the cut off date is Sept 7th for pre-ordering from the list.

But remember .. he breeds as well. so check out his list on his website :) I have found his stock fantastic over the years :)


I just heard today from Tom. He is expecting a Wild Caught shipment in and, like always, I would tell anyone interested to get in touch with Tom and ask him what is coming in.


Sarah -

I shot you and Tom an email yesterday. His email to me made me think he thought my order was separate from the CCA group order?? I haven't heard back from him, but assume it will all get straightened out and we're still on schedule for first week of October. I can do before then if that's the arrangement. I've already paid. Just need to settle up on shipping. Let me know if I should do something else besides standing by. :)