Must be the corner love shack for the Multipunctatus. Sitting on the couch watching tv, and noticed a female Ruby Red not eating. At first, I though there was something wrong, looked closer and she was holding something, large and dark. I miraculously netted her in one swipe (I victory in itself) along with two yellow labs. I placed the Labs back into the tank and cupped her to see what the deal was. She proceeded to literally spit/ throw up/ fire a the single largest Syno fry I have ever seen so far. So off to the races with fry in/on hand and into the 10g with it's siblings. Also pulled a female Eureka red out and she released at least 20 fry this weekend too. My wife thinks its the water. I told her not to drink it. Heck- almost won't let her shower now.. LOL
So far that's, Deep water Haps, Yellow Labs, Eureka Reds, and Syno Multipunctatus this year.
I would do the BAP thingy, but nobody really out my way to verify things. Cool idea though!
-Marc and family..