Has anyone spawned these in a tank with cichlids? I'm seeing what I suspect is mating behavior in my recent additions and I was wondering what I could do to help them out.
Caleb and Tanya had a breeding group before they moved out of the area. I think most successful breeding efforts involve a contraption with marbles and a clay pot. I think the process is documented on planetcatfish.
I actually have had two baby s. lucippinis/petricola survive in a tank with 16 mbuna and 8 synos. I always keep a "fry pile" in my African tanks so moms have a place to spit to give babies somewhat of a chance. If you're serious, though, you have to build a contracption where the eggs fall through marbles to a container below and I think you then raise them separately.
Check out SouthCentralCichlids or Pleco Caves. I think one or both of them make a ceramic dwarf syno breeding cave/cone. It looks like an upside down flower pot with a place to hold the marbles.
Thanks all - I've seen those contraptions. Do the Synos go into them voluntarily or do you have to enclose them? I have an area of gravel in the tank so perhaps that would work the same?