Stocking #s


Hey all! Ok with my current 55 gal set up and my 5 Yellow Labs and 1 Cobalt Blue Zebra. I am getting 4 Yellow Tail Acei (2-4") this weekend. Also possibly thinking of a few Moori's and end of april I would like to get some 1" Demasoni's. I was thinking 10 Demasoni;s. Is this a good number with what i have in the tank. Am I gona be over stocked? Add or take away to the numbers if you think i need more or less of a certain fish. Appreciate all the help!



I'd say leave the Demasoni's out. They are crazy aggressive and are going to rule your tank. Plus that would be really pushing the overstock limit. 10 Demasoni's alone in a 55gal is a good amount.
But if you want to add them, I'd go with 3 or 5, not 10.

This sounds like a good stock,
5 yellow lab's
1 cobalt
4 acei's
3 or 5 demasoni's


Past President
The guys are right. If you're not going to upgrade in the near future, skip the dolphins. I have a group in a 90 that try to boss everyone around. If you're definitely doing the acei, the demasoni may be better left out due to their aggression. The acei are not aggressive at all. Elongatus may be a little harder to find, but may fit in better temperament wise if you want another bright blue cichlid (G post)