Spring Time + Storms + Missing a Water Change = Lots of Spawns


Past CCA President
Life has been pretty busy for me recently, and admittedly, I haven't spent as much time in the fish room as I should. I missed doing water changes last week, but it doesn't seem to have bothered my fish one bit. I spent some time checking on all my tanks this evening, and I have fry all over the place. I've got eggs, wigglers, or free swimmers of the following:

Amatitlania siquia Rio Tampisque
Amatitlania kanna Rio Banano
Amatitlania coatpeque
Cryptoheros spilurum
Astatheros longimanus
Thorichthys meeki

My rusties and yellow labs are holding. I've also got a pair of cryptoheros septemfaciatus and amatitlania siquia Rio Cabayo tending to fry that were spawned earlier this year.


Same for me! My keyholes, Saulosi, chitande masinje, and taiwan reefs have all spawned after the storm 2 days ago.


I envy you! My nourisatti seem to be sooooo close to spawning. Every day I check on them like it's "the day"


Former CCA member
I've seen more spawning, too, but nothing as spectacular as that. Found a whole bunch of gold laser corydoras eggs Thursday night, and discovered that my two pairs of silver angels (from Greengirl) both laid eggs, luckily at opposite sides of a 55.