I have a pair of juvenile Julidochromis marlieri that are actively spawning in my 38gal tank that also has 1m/3f Lamprologus brevis and a handful of juvenile cyprichromis. The Julis are about 2" long, and the brevis are full grown. The juli's spawning cave is on the opposite side of the tank from the 2 shell piles for the brevis. Now that I have juli fry that are about a month old, the youngsters are leaving the nest. The julis keep going back between the young fry in their cave and the older fry in the shell piles and won't let anyone use the bottom half of the tank.
Any suggestions? I realize I may just have to put the shellies in their own tank but was hoping to avoid that...
Any suggestions? I realize I may just have to put the shellies in their own tank but was hoping to avoid that...