Some spring spawns


CCA Members
Lots of spawning activity with the warmer temperatures and a couple of weekends of large water changes.

I never get tired of watching cichlid parents tend their spawns...although I wish I had more (empty) tanks to raise and grow fry. As it is, whatever survives in the tank is what survives (which usually isn't many)...

Anyway, here are some of the fish that have spawned:

Australoheros facetus "Laguna del Diario" - these are the "chanchitos" from the type locality in Maldonado, Uruguay (collected by Darwin and his crew). I brought back some fry 2 years ago...and now a pair formed with the female tending a bunch of super-small wigglers.

Cryptoheros chetamulensis "Rio Cahal" - these are a pretty orange spilurum/cutteri type from Guatemala. Very small spawns but great parents.

Cichlasoma cf. dimerus "Arroyo Chelsea" - a dimerus varient collected once in Uruguay and named after Chelsea (who was on the trip and designed Felipe's cessfully spawnedwebsite). I've had them for about 3 years and they've spawned multiple times. They seem to have maxed out at about 5" for the male and 4" for the female and are darker and bluer than the dimerus from Bella Union. They have huge spawns.

Crytoheros cutteri "Rio Monga" - a different variant than the "Rio Jutiapa" that I've kept and bred in the past. More yellow and blue. A nice little pair that I traded for some CARES fish a couple of years ago has formed and beat the snot out of everything else in the tank. I pulled a flowerpot of eggs, which fungused except for 1 baby. They're at it again.

And a crazy one:

Cryptoheros (Amatitlania) coatepeque X Australoherus cf. scitulus "Lunarejo" - Yes a convict successfully spawned with a chanchito. It wasn't on purpose...but the coatepeque somehow made its way from the tank above the one full of Uruguayan fish (including 4 of the chanchitos) a couple of years ago. The chanchito decided to spawn with the convict and the pair killed the rest of the fish in the tank (a group of Gymnogeos and the other three chanchitos). Really strange... but they have a bunch of babies...

I'm sure I'm forgetting more...



Congrats. I'm doing a big water change right now on the 300. Hopefully it'll make the nourissati spawn


CCA Members
I did a 90%-er on a tank with some Cichlasoma dimerus from Bella Union...hope it triggers them.

My wild Cryptoheros septemfaciatums have been ready to spawn for a couple of weeks. Females really dark and feisty in her pot...but the male just isn't doing his thing. Did a water change yesterday. Maybe a week of heavier feeding (while I'm home) will get things going!

Matt, you keep some uncommon small CA/SA. It's more fun to watch the breeding behavior of egg layers than mouth brooders. Mouth brooders are one hour stand. Egg layers have lengthy nest preparation to post spawn care that last for weeks.