Smallest African species


CCA Members
There are a couple mbuna that can be kept in small tanks:
"Pseudotropheus" saulosi
Metriaclima sp. "lanisticola north" - some populations are actually shell dwellers

The are non-shell dweller lamprologous species that don't get very big
also some of the julidochromis stay pretty small and mild


Board of Directors
There are a couple mbuna that can be kept in small tanks:
"Pseudotropheus" saulosi
Metriaclima sp. "lanisticola north" - some populations are actually shell dwellers

The are non-shell dweller lamprologous species that don't get very big
also some of the julidochromis stay pretty small and mild

Know anything about metriaclima/Pseudotropheus livingstonii or is maylandi livingstonii..............they are Malawi "Shellie's" but not true Shellie's like the Tangs??? Or am I thinking of a complete different fish? ( I know I said no shell dwellers but that just popped into my head)

Yea yea I know they all get renamed every three seconds.

Don't care about temperament. Just size. I like feisty lol

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CCA Members
Nice profile from GCCA written by Sam Borstein:

I've kept and bred them in a x 2'x2'x1' 30g and found that they're pretty mild although not really shell dwellers.

Julid. dickfeldi's one of the smaller and mellower Tangs. I've also kept and bred those in a 2'x2'x1'.


Know anything about metriaclima/Pseudotropheus livingstonii or is maylandi livingstonii..............they are Malawi "Shellie's" but not true Shellie's like the Tangs??? Or am I thinking of a complete different fish? ( I know I said no shell dwellers but that just popped into my head)

Yea yea I know they all get renamed every three seconds.

Don't care about temperament. Just size. I like feisty lol

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I've kept Julies and punks in as small as a 10 gallon, though they did better in a 15. Lots of rocks and they'll be fine.

Also, check out Egyptian of my new favorites.