Sick Cynotilapia


Hi Guys,

We have a cynotilapia that seems unhappy, he is definitely spitting food but otherwise looks ok. He comes out and tries to eat, appears reasonably strong, etc.

We have treated with water changes and metro for anbout 8 days now and it hasn't changed, although no one else has gotten sick either.

We have some concerns about aggressions, the sick fish is not the dominant cyno and for the first time we know of the cyno's have spawned. So the alpha cyno could have been extra mean lately. We are considering some options for removing fish, etc.

That said, we are still concerned for the sick guy and wonder what if anything would make sense to try?


Poor fish just doesn't want to get better, but wasn't getting worse quickly at least.

So we pulled it out to a hospital tank and used parasite guard (praziquantel and metronidazole). Overnight the tank has become pretty cloudy...does anyone know if this is normal for praziquantel?


Cloudy water appears to have been normal.

Fish responds to food but still spits it back up. However, he does appear to eventually get the pieces down. He disappeared a little cube of Repashy overnight so I assume he is eating. (Tank is otherwise bare so it shouldn't have dissolved/moved to where we couldn't see.)

Failure to thrive? Will have to see if he gets any stronger/bolder. He can't go back home in the state he's in, but other than Epsom and calm there doesn't seem to be much else we can do for him for now. Will give him some time and see what happens.


Fish seems to be on the mend.

We have treated with

Parasite Guard (Praziquantel and more)

It now, finally, appears to be eating again pretty readily.