Just filled a 55g, and the center brace has slightly separated (i.e., broken) away from the back edge of the top frame. Does this mean the glass is bowing, or I am in some other danger of all 55g going on the floor???
On a separate note, what fish are you getting Ruth?
Precise O.D. of the tank in both width and depth, and/or explanation of the frame configuration, i.e., what's the shape of the brace including where it attaches to the front and back of the frame (send photo). Tank brand won't hurt either if you know it...
Sam - The light fixture (which matches everything exactly, and sits perfectly, so I'm pretty confident this is a real "set" not a bunch of random items cobbled together to form a set) has an All-Glass label on it. If that's not what you have, then it's no problem for me to just order one, now that I know exactly what I have. The cabinet brace is pretty ugly and I'm just waiting for somebody to crack their face or body on it!
The one I have is black with straight-arm bracing - it may not fit correctly as it s.eems to be just a bit wider (12 1/2'') than the one you have that has the center brace flared where it meets the front and back of the frame. But it also seems that the flared version was what my 55 had before I replaced it so it may work. You're welcome to give it a shot if you don't mind the color not matching - worst that could happen is that you go to put it on and it doesn't quite fit but at least you'd be ready for one that does. I'm in NW DC near 14th and U Street and can leave it on the porch in the event that you want to come by when I'm out.