Welcome to CCA! Its the coolest fish club around. :happy0158:
Print out the seller form which can be found on the 'mini-auction' forum of the home page. Its on the left column.
Fill out the form.
Double bag your fish and label the bag.
Tip: Wait until it gets closer to the auction day to bag the fish or they won't survive if you do it now.
Show up to the meeting before 2pm to register. While your there, sign up and become a member. Its only $20 a year. BUT you don't have to, no one will point a gun at you. Except Prince but that'd be for something else....
Stay for the meeting, eat, socialize, maybe learn something new, meet lots of awesome peeps, buy something in the mini-auction.
After all that funness, line up at the registration table to be paid for your sales! :jumpy:
Easy peasey, lemon squeezy :happy0180:
Welcome the CCA! What fish do you keep?