Seemingly random thoughts during water exchanges...

Tannin Aquatics

CCA Members
I love water exchange days.

There is something...I dunno- visceral about doing something that you know is beneficial for your animals. It's not only a "feel good thing", it helps foster a sense of connection between man and nature. Or at the very least, it makes your tanks sparkle!

I liken my weekly water exchanges to rain storms in the tropics. They "refresh" the waters, add new trace elements, ions, and in our case, tannins, helping to keep the environmental parameters consistent, while purging them of metabolites, impurities, and pollutants. It sort of does the same thing to my mind.

Huh? (click to read more)

While I'm doing my water exchanges, I am in an almost "meditative", relaxed state, which gives me the opportunity to reflect on various topics that interest me...stuff that, of course, form the basis for my rather "stream-of consciousness" blogs- like this one!
