Scheduled server move


invert junkie
Attention all Capital Cichlid forum users. As you know, we recently had an unscheduled outtage. Because of these problems, we have decided to mover servers in order to protect the availability of the websites. The move will start today, Friday September, 2, 2011 and should be finished by Monday, September 5, 2011. We hope that this move will help to prevent issues in the future. Please be patient during this time of transition.


Former CCA member
This means that we all will have to talk to our spouses and children, rather than spending time here! How horrible!


invert junkie
I don't know a specific time, just that it will be sometime today that it starts. Li is starting wtih the smaller sites first (PVAS, CCA, ACA) then moving onto AC and finally MFK. I don't think they will all be down all weekend, but these moves can be unpredictable.


Maybe I'll go fishing with my bro. There's a House Music Festival in Druid Hill this weekend. Maybe I'll set up a couple of the empty tanks. Gotta go rock hunting for my kendali tank, too. Crabs good for Sunday football! My 120 needs some trimming...

Naw. I'd rather hang out here. :)

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I plan on taking the 2 year old grandson to Strausburg rail road.
Figure that will keep me busy for a few hours.