Restazonia fishroom liquidation.


RESTAZONIA liquidation. I hate doing this but my travel schedule has me on the road too much to keep on top of the 80 plus tanks in the fishroom. I just don't feel right neglecting my fish so much so I'm looking for good new homes for them.

Accordingly, I'm going to liquidate nearly all the fish and plants in the fishroom and mothball the tanks until I retire in 2014 or change jobs.

Those of you who I've had the joy of sharing my fishroom with know the thousands of fish and plants I'm offering. Nearly all collected in the Peruvian Amazon or descendants thereof.

I have over 30 species of cories from pygmy types to the bigger species. Plus many exotic cats you'll never see in stores - some I'm sure will win prizes at the Catfish Convention. Hundreds of tetras - many never seen in shops and very large exemplars of common ones - how about 3" head & tail lights. Lots of apistos and cichlids - including some nice wild angels. And, many plants, too.

All fish and plants go except a couple show tanks.

Please don't ask me to bring stuff to meetings. Give me a call if you are interested - cell only 703-772-3370. It is only on when I'm out of the office. I'm located in Reston.

If you are able to breed some of these and can maintain the lines until I retire I'll make you a very sweet deal.


Four tanks cleaned out this afternoon.

Gone to CCA members.
Breeding pair of Apisto 'Pevas Blues' with a few fry - with promise of some back in a couple years. We believe these to be extinct in the wild. Still a few left in another tank.
12+ Brochis splendens.
12+ C. weitzmani - breeding colony with full size adults to fry.
Dither group of undescribed tetras - actually a very pretty and active group.
2 Biotodoma cupidos
lots of plants - narrow leaf java fern, Windelof and two types of anubias, still lots remaining


And we both thank you Sir,...

...we being Tony and I. Despite my acquisitive nature, I passed on an awesome group of wolf tetras as well as on an as yet un-described group of large rather stunning tetras for fear that I could not do them justice (read as spawn and rear), as well as numerous other swarms and spawning groups of tetras, guppies, gobies, Corydoras (so many), plecos, cichlids, unusual catfish and others as well as plants.

We may have emptied four tanks but we didn't hardly put a dent in Michael's inventory/holdings/minions.


What Chris said.

Michael has at least 20 types of Corydoras remaining and I'm sort of wondering why I didn't scoop up a couple more spawning groups ('twere 'cause I didn't want to be greedy) especially since a number of them simply don't show up in LFS, auctions or on Aquabid. Pretty certain sure there are worse things one could do on Sunday.
I so wanted to go back in and ask him to sell me half of what was filling a ten-gallon tank but didn't. Big mistake. Huge.

Any chance you'd split it with me? :D

I'll see what I get and I'll split some with you if it's significant. I'm trying to use the moss for aquascaping for the GWAPA aquascaping conest.



Today is one of those days that I wished I live much further South...who am I kidding, any place other than Pennsyltuckey, Florida or Long Island is an improvement over NJ.

I need to get down there more often this Winter.


CCA Members
Thanks to Mike for welcoming me into his little slice of Amazonia yesterday evening...

If you have some skills with Cory cats and their taxonomic cousins, Mike has large, healthy groups of lots of them.

Also, if you have a nice planted tank, Mike has some large groups of tetras of all kinds, some undesribed by science.



Wow, thank you for the kind words. I'm downsizing because I can't keep up with things given my hectic travel schedule. My plan is to rebuild in a couple years to bring things back to the level of the humbling lofty accolades.

Thank you.