

I have two Escondidos that I am thinking are females, although now I am confused. One of the females laid eggs, and allowed the other what I thought was a female to go over by the eggs. Will the female cichlid lay eggs even though there is not a male around to fertilize them? The eggs only stayed around for 2 days, now they are all gone, I am wondering if the other Escondido is really a male and just didn't fertilize the eggs, hmmm.... Can anybody comment on this?


I had a pair of females that spawned all the time. So yes two females can do that.

White eggs means they are not fertilized. They get fungus and then the parents eat them.

Tan, amber, or orange means they are.



Past CCA President
Bill hit it on the head. If the eggs were orange/tan then they were fertilized and you have a pair. If not, sounds like your suspicions are confirmed and you have 2 females.


Global Moderators
I have had female cichlids lay eggs and guard them with an additional female. Of course they were not fertilized so all turned white.