Possible Relocation of Beltway Aquarium to Waldorf

got word yesterday that Rich is relocating to the Waldorf area in the shopping center when Burlington is located. I know he is not the nicest or that his store can be a mess at time but he still gets the tank busters into his store.

I was curious if anyone else has seen this I have not been by there to verify myself.


I'm happy to see any new LFS open up. I hope that we see even more in the future. Being able to go online and buy whatever is nice and all but there's no getting around the cost of overnight shipping.
it is one of the last mom/pop type stores around and definitely in the southern Maryland area. they do get in gars pbass and arowanas


Well that's a shame. Maybe they just needed a fresh start. I would love to open a high end fish store with clean high quality displays. I think about it often but I just think the economy is too tough.