Pop-up For Lfs???


I got it yesterday once as well, but not since then. Who knows? Today, when I try to reply to posts, I get "flood control - wait 30 seconds before replying"........LOL, yes, It took me a second to realize that didn't mean that all the rain flooded the CCA.........
At least I can claim that the pain killers are still having an effect on me~~~ :wacko:

Power was off & on here all night, so I'm glad it's all up & running today


Sonny Disposition

Active Member
I stopped in Scales over the Weekend and told Andrew about it. He didn't know anything about it and didn't know why it was happening.

I got it yesterday once as well, but not since then. Who knows? Today, when I try to reply to posts, I get "flood control - wait 30 seconds before replying"........LOL, yes, It took me a second to realize that didn't mean that all the rain flooded the CCA.........
At least I can claim that the pain killers are still having an effect on me~~~ :wacko:

Power was off & on here all night, so I'm glad it's all up & running today



CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
I wish I knew what you were talking about. I've been left Scaleless.



I have tried to replicate these events, but I have not seen them on my computer. I really do want to find out what is happening, but I need your help. If you experience a problem, please copy the page that you go to, VIEW SOURCE and copy that and then email me with those two files. Also, let me know how you got there, from which page etc...

I just cannot replicate this problem so I cant find out how it is getting done.

I will check the server and may remove access for other people as I review the server logs and files, but I will do my best to resolve this before we have a major problem or lose the site.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.


The problem I have been having is involved and differs based on which computer I'm on, but I think its either the same or related to the one everyone else is having. I'll tell you everything I know about the systems and the issues I've been having.

At home: An AMD processor with Verizon DSL on which I use the latest version of Mozilla. Never had an issue.

At school: UMBC secured computers. Don't know much about the system. I have to log on using a user ID and all. I almost always have trouble getting on the forum from there. The odd part is, it goes to www.capitalcichlids.org/forum and I get a timeout error. I delete the www and it shows the main page. However, when I log on it adds the www back in and I can't get on. Right after you got the server back up last time was the only time I was able to get on from school, not sure if this was a coincidence. I use a new version of Mozilla Firefox. Its a T1 internet connection I think.

At work: Always before could get on during my lunch break. Today, when I tried to log in, I was sent to this page, http://www.capitalcichlids.org/forum/index...gin&CODE=00 which now at home is the log in page but at work was an add for some online pet place. I could not get on. I go to capitalcichlids.org/forum. I also tried to google CCA and went to the same add place when I clicked on the link. I work at Johns Hopkins Hospital with their new building commissioning crew and I have a log on to their secure server. I have to use an older version of Internet Explorer. Don't know what the internet service is, but its fast.

Don't know if this helps. I, personally, cannot find any rhyme or reason for this. If you need any other info, lemme know!



Please use this link to determine if you have been infected with an adware program on your computer


I would recommend you find out if you have it, remove it if you do. Seems many accessing the site have been infected in some manner. I have NOT found it on my computer or on the server so I will let everyone know if I find it on our site.

Here is a site that has infected people before........ Smiley Central .............

PS: This adware infects Microsoft Internet Explorer so if you can try another browser and have no issues to get here, I assume you are infected, possibly if anyone is using SMILEY CENTRAL as an infecting site.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I was getting the redirects all morning and now get on.

Not to Scales but to that other pet thing.


Whoa.............ok. I ran some of the spyware downloads & found some things I need to remove (I feel soooooooooo dirty!)

I can't come up with any FREE spyware removal downloads though. Everything I see gives you free scans, but then wants about $40 to remove the dirty little so & so's. Anyone know of a free spyware removal download??



Pat, not certain what is causing it for you, but your machine that starts with the IP of 66.... has the funwebproducts as it accesses the site. Have you installed some type of web search tool to your browser?


Whoa.............ok. I ran some of the spyware downloads & found some things I need to remove (I feel soooooooooo dirty!)

I can't come up with any FREE spyware removal downloads though. Everything I see gives you free scans, but then wants about $40 to remove the dirty little so & so's. Anyone know of a free spyware removal download??


I use SpywareBlaster (active protection); Spybot (active protection & removal tools); AdAware (removal tools); an anti-virus program (mine is McAfee Enterprise version - not free, but AVG is a good free program); Zone Alarm firewall; Firefox browser with NoScript and keystroke encryption - browser is set to clear all private data (cache, forms, history, etc) when it closes.
All of these things have a free version (which I use) except McAfee. www.downloads.com should be all you need to access the Real programs. As for "free scans": NO WAY - bad enough that i have to let Microsoft use active-x, but only on Explorer to update - and I don't use Explorer for almost anything else. Set up a good firewall first - yes, I know it's a pain in the beginning, but safe computing is just like safe ??? - it usually works if you follow the rules.



Well, my computer is connected to Ron's, so we have the same Firewalls etc. When I run Norton's antispy, there's nothing but the usual cookies and adware that I can delete. When I run free spyware downloads, they always pop up showing a couple things that look malicious. It's possible that they're just saying that they're bad in order for you to spend the $40 to buy the product. I've never had a problem with Norton's in the past & I'm sure that if I had something bad, it would catch it!



Well, my computer is connected to Ron's, so we have the same Firewalls etc. When I run Norton's antispy, there's nothing but the usual cookies and adware that I can delete. When I run free spyware downloads, they always pop up showing a couple things that look malicious. It's possible that they're just saying that they're bad in order for you to spend the $40 to buy the product. I've never had a problem with Norton's in the past & I'm sure that if I had something bad, it would catch it!


If your security protocol was actually working you would not have anything to delete/remove - that is the purpose of "active protection", block the spyware Before it's on your computer. By the time you have deleted the offending contaminate - it may be already too late. There is no ONE product that can protect your computer. That is why I use many layers of protection. I run scans regularly and consistently find nothing to remove. That said: no system is perfect; if someone can hack Norad's computers, then they can hack mine - BUT - I am not a high value target and also more difficult to hack than most of computer dufus America.

BTW: A firewall does not protect you once you open a port (connection) to a web site, that is why it is so important to have multiple programs monitoring the in/out flow of data - like your bank info??!!

BTW2: Never let an online web site 'scan" your computer. All my programs (except McAfee) are free and reside on my disk. Also, my firewall is configured to allow no program in/out access w/o asking. These are most of my rules - and they seem to work - I learned the hard way the value of multiple protection and taking the time to learn to use it correctly.

Paul.....................................Go Ahead................."yee of many names".................HACK ME!!!................................