Pond Plant List


CCA Members
In addition to the APRIL PRE ORDER LIST that is below, we are doing a pond plant list.

Orders are due on this list by no later than 5 PM on Sunday 18 April 2021. Do not ask if it's past that date.
Plant will be expected that week, likely Friday, the 23rd. Plants can be picked up in Silver Spring (20904) after arrival (I'll let you know if its earlier) by porch pick up. They can also be shipped, which should be reasonably cheap by priority mail, at your risk.

There are minimums on this list. These minimums are by the supplier and not by me, I don't give an algae wafer. If you want to split an order with someone, feel free, and I will bag them separately (just let me know). But, I cannot take an order for less than minimum quantities. Regarding Marginal 4" Pots... these are the exact same plants. They'll either come in a little basket like what you get aquarium plants in, or a 4" basket. You're paying more for the basket and not much else. Pro tip. :)

Minimums are as follows:
Water Lilies: Three (3).
Everything Else: Six (6).

There are no lotus this early in the year -- I expect they'll be added sometime next week, so look for an update.
This list will get updated next weekend -- there may be lots of new additions. I'll likely also do another order in May.

All orders must be sent by e-mail to BatfishAquatics at Gmail dot com. Orders placed by forum post, PM, smoke signal, or stuck in the comments of a PayPal payment will not be honoured. I do appreciate people who send me money without explanation, though; I assume it's for pizza.

All orders must be prepaid by PayPal to Batfish Aquatics at Gmail dot com. No other payments accepted.


CCA Members
Floating Plants
Azolla, XLG Portion​
Ludwigia sediodes​
Parrot Feather​
Water Hyacinth​
Water Hyacinth, Dwarf​
Water Letuce​
Water Poppy​
Water Snowball​

Submerged Plants
Bacopa, Lemony​


CCA Members
Marginal Plants
Aquatic Mint​
Arum 4” Pot​
Banana, Red Zebra​
Bloody Dock​
Blue Bell​
Blue Bell Compacta Pink​
Blue Bell Compacta White​
Bog Bean​
Bog Lily, Red​
Bog Lily, Red 4” Pot​
Bullrush, Giant​
Canna, Erebus Pink​
Canna, KG Hum, Orange​
Canna, Peach Delight​
Canna, Taney Peach​
Cattail, Narrow Leaf​
Clover, 4-Leaf​
Creeping Jenny​
Lizard's Tail​
Papyrus, Dwarf​
Papyrus, Dwarf 4” Pot​
Papyrus, Mexican​
Papyrus, Mexican 4” Pot​
Pickerel Blue​
Pickerel Blue 4” Pot​
Pickerel Pink​
Pickerel White​
Pickerel White 4” Pot​
Reed, Variegated Giant​
Ribbon Grass, S. & C. 4” Pot​
Ribbon Grass, Strawberry and Creme​
Rush, Common​
Rush, Gold Strike​
Rush, Horsetail​
Rush, Horsetail Dwarf​
Rush, Three Square​
Rush, Variegated​
Rush, White​
Rush, White (4” Pot)​
Sag. Arrowhead​
Sag. Crushed Ice​
Sag. Crushed Ice (4” Pot)​
Sag. Double Flower​
Snowflake, White​
Society Garlic​
Society Garlic, Var.​
Society Garlic, Var. 4” Pot​
Spider Lily​
Spider Lily 4” Pot​
Spider Lily Var. 4” Pot​
Spider Lily, Variegated​
Spikerush, Jointed​
Star Grass​
Sweetflag, Golden​
Sweetflag, Variegated​
Sweetflag, Variegated 4” Pot​
Sword, Marble Queen Radican​
Taro, Black Coral​
Taro, Black Magic 4” Pot​
Taro, Black Magic​
Taro, Elena​
Taro, Green​
Taro, Imperial​
Taro, Variegated​
Taro, Violet Stem​
Thalia Dealbata​
Umbrella Palm​
Umbrella Palm Dwarf​
Umbrella Palm Dwarf 4” Pot​
Umbrella Palm, Medium​
Umbrella Pam 4” Pot​
Water Celery​
Water Hibiscus, Pink​


CCA Members
Water Lilies
Day Bloming Afterglow​
Day Blooming Albert Greenberg​
Day Blooming, Asst. Blue​
Day Blooming, Asst. Pink​
Day Blooming, Asst. Purple​
Day Blooming, Asst. White​
Day Blooming, August Koch​
Day Blooming, Bull's Eye​
Day Blooming, Colorta​
Day Blooming, Crystal​
Day Blooming, Dauben​
Day Blooming, Dir. George T. Moore​
Day Blooming, Doris Holt​
Day Blooming, Evelyn Randig​
Day Blooming, Foxfire​
Day Blooming, Hot pink​
Day Blooming, Islamorada​
Day Blooming, Josephine​
Day Blooming, Kathy McLane​
Day Blooming, Key Largo​
Day Blooming, Key Lime​
Day Blooming, King of Siam​
Day Blooming, Laura Fraser​
Day Blooming, Lindsey Woods​
Day Blooming, Madame Ganna Walska​
Day Blooming, Mariam Strawn​
Day Blooming, Miami Rose​
Day Blooming, Midnight​
Day Blooming, Midnight Serenade​
Day Blooming, Moonbeam​
Day Blooming, Pamela​
Day Blooming, Pink Capensis​
Day Blooming, Plum Crazy​
Day Blooming, Queen of Siam​
Day Blooming, Rhonda Kays​
Day Blooming, Ruby​
Day Blooming, Scarlet Flame​
Day Blooming, Shirley Bryne​
Day Blooming, Southern Charm​
Day Blooming, Star of Siam​
Day Blooming, Star of Zanzibar​
Day Blooming, Tanzanite​
Day Blooming, Tina​
Day Blooming, Ultra Violet​
Day Blooming, Valentine​
Day Blooming, William McLane​
Night Blooming, Mrs. G. C. Hitchcock​
Night Blooming, Antares​
Night Blooming, E. G. Hitchings​
Night Blooming, Rosa de la Noche​
Night Blooming, Texas Shell Pink​
Night Blooming, Wood's White Knight​
Peach, Clyde Ikins​
Peach, Cynthia Ann​
Peach, Georgia Peach​
Peach, Mangkala Ubol​
Peach, Peachglow​


CCA Members
Pink, Assorted Pink​
Pink, Bernice Ikins​
Pink, Colorada​
Pink, Fabiola​
Pink, Firecrest​
Pink, Laydekeri Lilacea​
Pink, Lily Pons​
Pink, Mayla​
Pink, Miss Siam​
Pink, Packaged​
Pink, Patio Joe​
Pink, Perry's Fire Opal​
Pink, Pink Sensation​
Pink, Sunrise​
Purple, Asst. Tropical​
Purple, Queen Sirikit​
Purple, Siam Purple 2​
Red Manee​
Red, Assorted​
Red, Attorney Elrod​
Red, Attorney Elrond​
Red, Black Princess​
Red, Gloriosa​
Red, James Brydon​
Red, Laydekeri Fulgens​
Red, Packaged​
Red, Perry's Baby​
Red, Steven Strawn​
Victoria Lily​
White, Hermine​
White, Packaged​
White, Tetragona​
Yellow, Assorted​
Yellow, Betsy Sakata​
Yellow, Charlene Strawn​
Yellow, Joey Tomocik​
Yellow, Mexicana Semi Hardy​
Yellow, Packaged​
Yellow, Pygmy Mex. Semi Hardy​
Yellow, Sulphurea​
Yellow, Sulphurea Okeechobee​


CCA Members
The following plants are available without minimums, but otherwise same terms as above. There's some overlap on this list and the other, and they're a bit more expensive, but ... there's no minimums. :)

Floating / Surface Plants
Azolla, Cup -- $7.99
Ludwigia sediodes -- $9.99
Red Root Floater -- $1.49 (VERY small portion)
White Water Snowflake (Nymphoides cf. indica) -- $16.99
Water Snowball (Gymnocoronis) -- $6.99
Water Poppy (Hydrocleys) -- $6.99

Chawan Basu -- $89.99
Little Green House -- $89.99
Momo Botan -- $89.99
Mrs. Perry D SLocum -- $89.99
Pekinensis Rubra -- $89.99
Pink-A-Licious -- $89.99
Buy 3 for $79.99 each, mix and match okay.

Hardy Lilies
Georgia Peach -- $39.99
Pink -- $39.99
White -- $39.99
Yellow -- $39.99
Changeable -- $49.99

Dwarf Tropical Lily -- $2.99

Unless Listed Otherwise, $16.99, 3+ @ $14.99 (Same Type)
Blue Bell, Pink Chi Chi
Canna, Australian Lily
Canna, Striped Beauty
Golden Club
Graceful Cattail
Iris, Black Gamecock
Iris, Full Eclipse
Iris, Red Velvet Elvis
Iris, Wow Factor
Obedient Plant
Disobedient Plant
Papyrus, Dwarf
Pickerel, Pink
Red Bog Lily
Sagittaria montevidensis
Taro, Black Coral
Taro, Black Marble
Taro, White Lava
White Pickerel Rush

Assorted Plants:
Giant Bloody Zebra Bananana -- $19.99
Venus Fly Trap -- $19.99
Assorted Carnivorous (~Mostly Sarraccenia, some Nepenthes) -- $16.99
Aeranthos, XLG -- $29.99
Argentea -- $4.99
Bracycaulos Multiflora, Lg -- $19.99
Brachycaulos Multiflora, XLG -- $49.99
Caput-Medusae -- $14.99
Ionatha Fuego On A Wire, LG -- $49.99
Funkiana -- $14.99

Submerged Plants
Cabomba -- $4
Hornwort -- $4
Bacopa -- $4
Mayaca -- $4


Tell me more about that disobedient plant, JLW JLW ?


CCA Members
As you know, obedient plant is also known as false dragon's head.
Disobedient plant is similar, but it's the true dragon's head. Caution should be used when planting it, as it can spontaneously burst into flame. Near a large body of water, this isn't an issue.

May or may not eat sheep and people from Virginia. No, wait, I read that wrong.