Polystyrene Foam Insulation Board? Need help locating.


Lowes & Home Depot used to stock a package of multiple sheets of 3/4 in. Polystyrene Foam Insulation Board that was ideal for under tanks on home build racks. I'm striking out on finding this product locally except from Univfoam that requires a minimum $250 order.

Anyone have a source?


Past CCA President
You can try local construction supply houses. I'd guess that they would have it (or could get it in short order). At work, we use Greenwald, East Coast Supply, and Whitecap. Should be able to find the local locations through Google.


CCA Members
Are you sure Lowes/HD doesn't have the foam you're looking for? I used the pink insulation foam on a DIY foam and concrete background I built two winters ago. They were in the building section (near lumber)