Plecos Interbreeding?


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
So maybe it's a dumb question, but is it safe to house adult plecos of different genuses together without fear of interbreeding?

For example, I have these groups -

L134 - Peckoltia compta
L052 - Dekeyseria sp.
L333 - Hypancistrus sp.
Ancistrus sp. (ABN)

Right now, I have the first two housed together. The L052 are not breeding size yet, but the L134 pair is. The L333 pair are adults and in another tank (more concerned with fighting than interbreeding though). The ABNs are also in another tank.

Though the color patterns on the first three are all somewhat "stripey," these are supposedly all very different plecos, right? Can breeding occur between different genuses?


Fear not

Serves no one and nothing. As for your question, doubtful that they would try, even more so that anything would come of it. This from the realm of qualified but otherwise rampant conjecture.


CCA Members
The only pleco hybrids I have heard of a within the same genera - Hypancistrus sp.

One thing I would be careful with the L-333s with adding to the group. There seems to be a white and yellow variety. Even if they are the same species, you probably only want to keep the same "color morph" together.

L-134s are harder to come by, but also pretty obvious ID. L-052s are also very distinctive.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
This from the realm of qualified but otherwise rampant conjecture.


The only pleco hybrids I have heard of a within the same genera - Hypancistrus sp.

One thing I would be careful with the L-333s with adding to the group. There seems to be a white and yellow variety. Even if they are the same species, you probably only want to keep the same "color morph" together.

L-134s are harder to come by, but also pretty obvious ID. L-052s are also very distinctive.

Thanks, Jesse. I got the 333s from the ACA BABES auction, so pretty sure they came from the same source. Other than one having a wider head, they look to be almost the identical fish.

Hopefully, I'll have some baby plecos in the near future. :happy0180:
I think I saw that pair of L333 at the babe's auction. They were definitely a pair. The wider head was the male. One sure way to tell is to provide plenty of caves and the one stays in the cave all the time is the male. L134 sexing is abit easier, once the male reaches 6cm, they will develop 'hairy' body. There was a pair of L134 for sale at the ACA convention. That was definitely a pair as well.

Both L333 and L134 can be aggressive, but I would be more concern for the L134s as L333s will get to be twice their size. Make sure to provide smaller caves for L134 and larger ones (larger opening and longer caves) for L333.


CCA Members
Both L333 and L134 can be aggressive, but I would be more concern for the L134s as L333s will get to be twice their size.
The L333s get significantly bigger, but according to planetcatfish the L-134 gets just over 4 and the L333s top out just under 6.

Make sure to provide smaller caves for L134 and larger ones (larger opening and longer caves) for L333.

He has the L134s with the L052. The L-052s get a little bigger, but IME they don't seem aggressive.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I think I saw that pair of L333 at the babe's auction. They were definitely a pair. The wider head was the male. One sure way to tell is to provide plenty of caves and the one stays in the cave all the time is the male. L134 sexing is abit easier, once the male reaches 6cm, they will develop 'hairy' body. There was a pair of L134 for sale at the ACA convention. That was definitely a pair as well.

Both L333 and L134 can be aggressive, but I would be more concern for the L134s as L333s will get to be twice their size. Make sure to provide smaller caves for L134 and larger ones (larger opening and longer caves) for L333.

The L333s get significantly bigger, but according to planetcatfish the L-134 gets just over 4 and the L333s top out just under 6.

He has the L134s with the L052. The L-052s get a little bigger, but IME they don't seem aggressive.

Thanks for the input guys. The L333 in the BABES auction were the ones I got. They are about 4.5"-5" each total length right now. I asked around the room after I got both bags and the consensus seemed to be that they were a pair.

I saw those L134 in the sales room. I was tempted to get them to add to my group, but believe that they were $250 for the pair - which is a bit out of my price range. Mine largest two are about 3.5" now, with another 3 that are only about 2"-2.5". The larger of the big ones has the odentodes down its body and I've seen them in the cave together before, so hopefully it's only a matter of time. :)

My L-052 are babies now - probably about 2" TL. In the 15 gallon next to the L-134, the difference in body shape is pretty clear. There's enough wood and caves in the tank that the smaller ones can hide out pretty well without being bothered by the male.

Thanks again, guys. I'll keep you posted.