Planted discus aquarium


image.jpgJust wanted to share my new 56 tall setup. I m a rookie when it comes to planted tanks but playing safe with Val and anubias. My discus are loving all the hiding places and extra space...



Global Moderators
I like the clean look of your tank. You might consider using super glue or thread to attach some moss to the pvc cave to help it blend in.

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That's a good idea.. I am a little worried about using super glue or any other adhesive... Is there a specific type I should be using or it does not matter..


Silicone with no additives or hot glue

(I've seen pvc covered with substrate, looks pretty cool)


Global Moderators
Silicone with no additives or hot glue

(I've seen pvc covered with substrate, looks pretty cool)

Normal superglue (not the gel) works for moss strands. You'll need something stronger like silicone for gravel to hold.

Sent from my VS985 4G using MonsterAquariaNetwork App


Thank you all...

I am going to give it a little thought over the week as to what to do for that pleco cave. For now the main priority is finding the right temperature for discus and plants ... Plants are not handling 84 F that well...

Those discus are a mix between red turq and tefe... The combination turned out pretty well, the colors keep developing every month.. Roughly 9 months old...


Depending on how the plants were grown (tissue cultured or not in water versus submerged), you may be getting some normal leaf loss due to plants needing to adjust


They were in someone's aquarium ... So they were submerged. I suppose these plants are use to 76 and I had them at 86 for a week when I introduced discus in the tank. The idea is to lower temperature every week to get it to 82 ( in the past I have noticed that higher temp make transitions easier for discus).

Lot of new leaves are growing the old ones have basically melted. I just hope the new leaves don't start melting. I have a feeling that they won't. Will keep you posted.




New Member
I"ve seen a gel for gluing corals in reef tanks at my LFS. That'd be safe to glue plants to your cave, too. It's more expensive than super glue. But it's thick, kinda like gel, which super glue is not.

I HATE gluing plants with super glue because it's so thin. I get more on my fingers than the plant/driftwood, plants don't stick right.