CCA Members
Hey guys, I've got a great list of plants available. Orders are to be picked up at the picnic at Christine's house -- if you're not coming, NO PLANTS FOR YOU. Orders are due tomorrow, the 7th, at 3 PM, and not a minute later. Plants must be prepaid to BatfishAquatics@gmail.com by PayPal. Note that the bunch / loose plants have a minimum of TWELVE (12) while most of the others have a minimum of six (6). I do not care if three people order 4 of the same type of plants, I just need to make 12 total. I do not need them in multiples of (so you can order 13, but that would be really obnoxious). Orders are due tomorrow, and I do not have time to send invoices etc., just send payments. Please put your plant list in the order -- if you just send me money without telling me what it's for, I will assume it's for pizza.
Aquarium Plants:
Bunch / Loose Plants
All are Min 12.
Amazon Sword, MD -- $5
Amazon Sword, Compact (MD) -- $5
Ammannia -- $2.50
Ambula -- $2.50
Anacharis -- $4
Bacopa -- $2.50
Bacopa australis -- $4
Cabomba -- $3
Cardamine -- $2.50
Chain Leaf, Narrow -- $1.25
Christmas Moss -- $5
Creepy Charlie -- $2.50
Crypt. balansae -- $3
Crypt. Wendtii -- $2
C. W. Green -- $2.50
Dwarf Lily -- $4
Hygro. Angustfolia -- $2.50
Java Fern -- $3
J. F. Lace -- $6
Java moss -- $6
Limnophila hippuroides -- $4
LUdwigia Broad Leaf -- $2.50
Ludwigia narrow -- $2.50
Lud. Cuban -- $2.50
Lloydelia -- $3
Mayaca -- $2.50
Mexican Oak Leaf -- $2.50
Moneywort -- $2.50
Moss Balls -- $8 (yea, they're still min 12, sorry)
Myrio Filigree -- $3
Myrio. Green -- $2
Myrio Red -- $3
Onion -- $1.50
Pennywort -- $2.50
Propsperina -- $2.50
Rotala "indica" -- $3
Rotala magenta -- $3
Rotala nanjenshan -- $2.50
Rotala wallichii -- $2.50
Subulata -- $2.50
Telanthera -- $3
Temple Plant -- $4
Tiger Lotus, Red -- $6
Vallisneria americana -- $2.50
Vall. Contortion -- $2.50
Vall. Italian -- $1.25
Vesuvius -- $2.50 (these are small)
Water Sprite -- $1.75
Wisteria -- $3
Potted Plants (Minimum 6)
Amazon Sword -- $5
Amazon Sword, Bigger -- $8
Amazon Sword, Biggest -- $12
A. S. Melon -- $5
A. S. Ozelot -- $5
A. S., Red Rubin -- $6
A. S. Red Melon -- $5
Anubias barteri Round Leaf -- $9
Anubias frazeri -- $9
Anubias nana, pot -- $9
Baby Tears, Pot -- $6
Chain Sword -- $5
C. lutea -- $5
C. parva -- $5
C. spiralis -- $5
C. undulata -- $6
C. wendtii -- $6
C. wendtii Bronze -- $6
C. wendtii Red -- $6
Glosso -- $5
Hairgrass, Dwarf -- $5
Hairgrass, Giant -- $5
Hygro. Kompact -- $6
Microswords (Lilaepsis) -- $8
Microsword, Narrow -- $8 (No idea how this differs)
Red Flame -- $6
Sagittaria -- $6
Staurogyne -- $5
Water Sprite -- $8
Wisteria -- $5
Bigger Plants (Generally Min 6)
Amazon Sword, Mother Plant -- $25 (MIN 1)
Anubias barteri. Round Leaf -- $7.50
A. F. MD -- $12
Anubias nana -- $8
Anubias Nangi On Wood -- $25 (MIN 1)
Apon. Crispus -- $4
Apon. Madagascar Lace -- $9
A. M. L. Bulb Only -- $4.50
Apon. Ulvaceus -- $9
A. U. Bulb Only -- $4.50
Baby Tears Mat -- $10
Baby Tears On Wood -- $12 (Min 1)
C. Wendtii G., XL -- $8
Hydrocotyle Japan, Mat -- $10
Pond Plants -- why are you ordering Pond Plants in August? Whatever, you do you.
Water Letuce -- $3
Ludwigia Sediodes -- $5
Salvinia (Portion) -- $8
Hyacinth -- $3
Hyacinth, "Dwarf" - $3
Azolla - $3
Duckweed, LOL -- $6
(Looking for something else? BIG selection of marginals, lilies, etc, but I'm not typing the whole list up in August).
Aquarium Plants:
Bunch / Loose Plants
All are Min 12.
Amazon Sword, MD -- $5
Amazon Sword, Compact (MD) -- $5
Ammannia -- $2.50
Ambula -- $2.50
Anacharis -- $4
Bacopa -- $2.50
Bacopa australis -- $4
Cabomba -- $3
Cardamine -- $2.50
Chain Leaf, Narrow -- $1.25
Christmas Moss -- $5
Creepy Charlie -- $2.50
Crypt. balansae -- $3
Crypt. Wendtii -- $2
C. W. Green -- $2.50
Dwarf Lily -- $4
Hygro. Angustfolia -- $2.50
Java Fern -- $3
J. F. Lace -- $6
Java moss -- $6
Limnophila hippuroides -- $4
LUdwigia Broad Leaf -- $2.50
Ludwigia narrow -- $2.50
Lud. Cuban -- $2.50
Lloydelia -- $3
Mayaca -- $2.50
Mexican Oak Leaf -- $2.50
Moneywort -- $2.50
Moss Balls -- $8 (yea, they're still min 12, sorry)
Myrio Filigree -- $3
Myrio. Green -- $2
Myrio Red -- $3
Onion -- $1.50
Pennywort -- $2.50
Propsperina -- $2.50
Rotala "indica" -- $3
Rotala magenta -- $3
Rotala nanjenshan -- $2.50
Rotala wallichii -- $2.50
Subulata -- $2.50
Telanthera -- $3
Temple Plant -- $4
Tiger Lotus, Red -- $6
Vallisneria americana -- $2.50
Vall. Contortion -- $2.50
Vall. Italian -- $1.25
Vesuvius -- $2.50 (these are small)
Water Sprite -- $1.75
Wisteria -- $3
Potted Plants (Minimum 6)
Amazon Sword -- $5
Amazon Sword, Bigger -- $8
Amazon Sword, Biggest -- $12
A. S. Melon -- $5
A. S. Ozelot -- $5
A. S., Red Rubin -- $6
A. S. Red Melon -- $5
Anubias barteri Round Leaf -- $9
Anubias frazeri -- $9
Anubias nana, pot -- $9
Baby Tears, Pot -- $6
Chain Sword -- $5
C. lutea -- $5
C. parva -- $5
C. spiralis -- $5
C. undulata -- $6
C. wendtii -- $6
C. wendtii Bronze -- $6
C. wendtii Red -- $6
Glosso -- $5
Hairgrass, Dwarf -- $5
Hairgrass, Giant -- $5
Hygro. Kompact -- $6
Microswords (Lilaepsis) -- $8
Microsword, Narrow -- $8 (No idea how this differs)
Red Flame -- $6
Sagittaria -- $6
Staurogyne -- $5
Water Sprite -- $8
Wisteria -- $5
Bigger Plants (Generally Min 6)
Amazon Sword, Mother Plant -- $25 (MIN 1)
Anubias barteri. Round Leaf -- $7.50
A. F. MD -- $12
Anubias nana -- $8
Anubias Nangi On Wood -- $25 (MIN 1)
Apon. Crispus -- $4
Apon. Madagascar Lace -- $9
A. M. L. Bulb Only -- $4.50
Apon. Ulvaceus -- $9
A. U. Bulb Only -- $4.50
Baby Tears Mat -- $10
Baby Tears On Wood -- $12 (Min 1)
C. Wendtii G., XL -- $8
Hydrocotyle Japan, Mat -- $10
Pond Plants -- why are you ordering Pond Plants in August? Whatever, you do you.
Water Letuce -- $3
Ludwigia Sediodes -- $5
Salvinia (Portion) -- $8
Hyacinth -- $3
Hyacinth, "Dwarf" - $3
Azolla - $3
Duckweed, LOL -- $6
(Looking for something else? BIG selection of marginals, lilies, etc, but I'm not typing the whole list up in August).