Parrot Cichlids with cuts around eye and on cheek...


Hey CCA,
My one Parrot had a bout with Popeye a few weeks ago. Some Melafix and fresh water changes cleared it up, but I'm still having issues with some wounds that don't look popeye related.

None of my other fish have this issue and none have had this issue in the past.

I haven't been able to clear it up with the Melafix or water changes. Any ideas? Hole in the Head? Fungal?

I have some Pimafix that I have not used yet. I've been using the Melafix for about 2 weeks now, but so far the wounds haven't expanded any, but they are not going away either.

I was able to get a video that shows her wounds pretty clear at about 00:20.

I'm thinking of using the Pimafix, although it doesn't look fungal. If that doesn't work I will probably quarantine her. At least from what I've noticed, the other fish don't pick at her, nor can they really since their mouths can't close. I'm confident the fish being aggressive is not the culprit.

Thanks for any help.