Parachromis Fredrichstalli Rio Danto Yellow Heads


Hello all,

I have 20 or so Parachromis Fredrichstalli Rio Danto Yellow Heads for sale. They are between 3/8"& 3/4" long.

5$ a piece or 6 for 20$

My pair has been super mellow but I guess that could change with age?
Male is in my avatar pm me your email and I will send pics of the pair.

Call / text (240)372-0601



Here are pics of the parents.

Mom,Pair, Mom in Breeding Dress, and Dad

These are F1 from Dan at Cichlids of the Americas. So fry are F2.


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I checked with Dan my fish are definitely F1's. His fish were F0 brought back by Ken Davis and Mo 2007-2008.



Past CCA President
Interesting info from Dan. I was under the impression that the only two pairs that came back were with Ken Davis and Rusty Wessel. I'm pretty sure Ken told me he lost his female a few years ago.

In any case, they are beautiful fish that are worthy of keeping alive in the hobby, regardless of how many generations from the original wild fish they are. Ken told me that when they went back to the original collection location a few years later, it wasn't there any longer.

Good luck with the sale. I only wish I had the tank space to keep a breeding pair. How large a tank are you keeping your pair in?


Please excuse my noob-ness. I didnt pull them from the river myself they could be f12256 for all I really know. I apologise if my information is bad.

Currently they share a 75 gallon with a breeding pair of Jags and a mixed bag of other fish. Overstocked I agree. But aggression has not yet been an issue and I have other places I can shuffle them to if need be. I have also found that the pair bond seems to be stronger when in a community type setup.

And they also spawned again Saturday evening. These things are worse than convicts!



CCA Members
Not your fault at all, Drew! Hobbyists are at the mercy of some unscrupulous vendors, unfortunately...

In fact, Ken will be presenting on introducing these (and a bunch of other fish from Honduras) to the hobby at our March event!



Since I pulled your juvies out I found 2 more jags they are growing like weeds since all of the competition is gone for them on the parachromis side. Stuffed the jags in with some argentea, regani, sp turquoise and cuban growouts. Its a packed growout tank but the jags are looking awesome! How big are your now?
