Open House -- Thank You


CCA Members
Just want to give a big thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed the open house today, and made it such a great success! :) Thank you all.

Now, who wants to help me eat some leftover cake?

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
I was there, and I missed a bunch, did not see any heaters, or the farowellas, did get some cool ancistrus and a plant that may be anubias minima but maybe not. A number of hidden treasures. See Bob Bock's blog.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Sorry I missed it, Josh.

Looking forward to swinging by some time and checking out your setup. :)


Man... as should have been expected, my trip taking my daughter back to Frostburg did not go as expected, and I was unable to get back on this end in time. Hope to have another opportunity to visit the place in the future. Thanks for the invite!
