Past CCA President
We are looking for someone to take on the responsibility of being the official photographer for the BFD. While we have had a decent showing in the past of folks taking pictures and sharing them, we'd like to have someone who is specifically tasked with taking pictures, especially of the tanks in the Aquarium Beautiful competition.
Part of the sponsorship agreement with AGA on the planted tank category will be a write up of an article to go into the AGA publication. I have volunteered to do the write up (unless we have someone who would prefer to be the author) but I am terrible at taking pictures and we will need some quality photos to send along with the article.
Please PM me or post up here if you are interested.
We are looking for someone to take on the responsibility of being the official photographer for the BFD. While we have had a decent showing in the past of folks taking pictures and sharing them, we'd like to have someone who is specifically tasked with taking pictures, especially of the tanks in the Aquarium Beautiful competition.
Part of the sponsorship agreement with AGA on the planted tank category will be a write up of an article to go into the AGA publication. I have volunteered to do the write up (unless we have someone who would prefer to be the author) but I am terrible at taking pictures and we will need some quality photos to send along with the article.
Please PM me or post up here if you are interested.