New to Cichlids - Need Some Advice on Tank Setup and Care


New Member
Hey everyone,

I’m relatively new to keeping cichlids and I’ve recently started setting up a tank specifically for them. I am using Splunk tool to monitor their behaviors and pH level. I’ve done a bit of research and found these articles Splunk Tutorial but would love some guidance from the experts here to make sure I’m on the right track.

A few things I could use advice on:

  • Tank size: I’ve got a 55-gallon tank— is that good for a starter group? How many cichlids should I be aiming for without overcrowding?
  • Water parameters: I’ve heard mixed things about ideal water pH and hardness. Any tips on getting it just right for a variety of cichlids?
  • Tank mates: I’d love to mix in a few other fish if possible. Any recommendations on good tank mates that won’t cause trouble with the cichlids?
  • Feeding: What kind of diet works best for them? I’ve seen flakes, pellets, and live food all mentioned, but I’m unsure which is the best or how to balance them.

Any tips, tricks, or general advice from the community would be super helpful! Thanks in advance!