New Picture of the Month Rules


CCA Members
#Updated March 2025

1) To enter, submit an email with the photo as an attachment to You must include your forum username.

2) All photos will be a max of 1920x1080 pixels.

3) There are to be no names on the photos that show who took them.

4) All photos shall be submitted by the 14th of each month (Midnight Eastern Time).

5) The contest shall run through the last day of the month (Midnight Eastern Time).

6) Voting will be done by a public poll on the forum, one vote per user.

7) Photo can be of anything related to the freshwater aquarium hobby. Please include the names of the featured fish or aquarium details (e.g. 75 Gallon South American Biotope or Aulonocara 'Sp. Dragons Blood') as this will help with record keeping.

8) You can only submit a photo that you took.

9) Only one photo may be submitted by a photographer each month.

10) Only current CCA club members who are up to date with their dues may submit a photo for the contest.

11) Voting will be open to both CCA members and non-club members.

12) A minimum of 2 photos must be submitted before a contest will be posted.

13) A maximum of 10 photos will be submitted for the contest each month. (These will be the first 10 photos submitted)

14) In the event of a tie, the winners will split any monthly prizes.

15) CCA can use the submitted photos as a promotion for the club.

16) All rules are subject to change and the contest will continue as long as there is enough participation.

Prizes (Subject to change):

-Winning photos will be featured across the CCA Forum, CCA social media, and at the monthly meetings.

-The winning photo will also receive a $10 credit of 'CCA Bucks' for the monthly auction. Winners must see CCA Treasurer at the following monthly meeting to claim.