New Member from Cleveland, Ohio


As the title states I am from Ohio. Currently, I have 40 tanks and raise Featherfins and Sandsifters. I have several groups of Ventralis, C. Furcifer along with Decampsi, Dewindti and a few groups of Kilesa, Ndole Astrotilapia along with Cyp. Tricolors and Zonatus (Zebra Cyp). I am looking to come to the catfish show near the end of October and I am looking for people that have the same types of fish as i do. If you raise sandsifters or featherfins I would like to talk to you.

Thank you for your time.
Dan Ritter
Olmsted Falls,Ohio


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
Hi and welcome to the forum!!! Great to have another tang keeper among us ;) I was born in Medina and lived in Brunswick until I was 12... Go Browns!!!


Are there many folks that raise sandsifters or featherfins? I am looking for adult groups if anyone is looking to sell theirs. Looking for anything special? I have alot of friends here and all of us raise different types of tangs so that when we go to auctions or events we are not in competition with each other.

As for the browns, to bad about last night, they should have won the game, but thats okay, they look 100 times better than this time last year,thats for sure.


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
There are a few members that keep them. There are a couple I'd like to get at some point but there are other fish higher on the list at this point. It'll depend on how fast the fishroom fills up :lol:


Keep in touch. if I go to the catfish convention or whatever the patomic valley calls it, if we have something your looking for, I can bring some fish with me. Just so you know, I am breeding Isanga, Chaitika, Chututa, Orange Cap and Kampampa Ventralis, Ectodus Decampsi, Dewindti, Ochrogenys Ndole. I have C. Furcifer Moliro and Mbita. I have a group of 9 C. Furchifer Sebwasa. They are 4 inches and one male is starting to show a little color. I also have 11 kilesa at 2". If I come down there,maybe someone will be interested in my fry or the kilesa. In either case I will keep in touch also and let you the way, is that convention worth traveling to or is just alot of local people. do they sell fish in the rooms? Just wondering.


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
You won't be the only one traveling, they come from near and far. Don't forget, we're hosting the ACA Convention next year. The Catfish Convention and the ACA are 2 events you won't want to miss, we won't let ya down ;)


CCA Members
Welcome to the forum. Always good to have another Dark side fish keeper here. Cleveland rocks! :party0007: That is a cool city to visit.


The catfish convention is awesome and worth the trip. Yes people do sell fish from their rooms and different vendors come and rent rooms with fish tanks set up and booths with displays of theyre product. usually has a booth set up with freebies you can only get at events like this. Not only that but youll get to meet CCA members and PVAS members too.


Hey Dan -

Welcome! There are a number of us that keep featherfins and sifters. I've got an adult trio of Foai Moliro Marble Green and about 20+ 1" fry. Maybe the same as yours as they were sold as furcifer, but most of the current pics and descriptions identify them as foai. I've got 4 small sibwesa and am getting a few more from another member here. I've also got a pair of boops nkondwe. They've spawned a couple times, but she hasn't held long enough for me to strip. Finally, I have a dozen young kilesa. Sounds like we like a lot of the same stuff. I also keep cyp utinta, cyp speckleback, paracyps, comps, gobies, and julies.

Sarah "Longstocking" has the adult kilesa, furcifer magara and ventralis chaitika, all breeding. She also has some xenos. Not sure what time.

Jim "Guarddog" has a large group of featherfins he picked up at the spring ECC auction. I forget which type. You should repost the request for others keeping featherfins/sifters in the Old World forum. You'll get more attention. :)


As of now, I am looking to attend. I am hoping to meet members or either club who are into africans, espcially tanganyikans. I am looking for featherfins and sandsifter adults or sub adults. If anyone knows of anyone selling adults or sub adults I certainly would be interested.