New Fish Added


CCA Members
New fish have arrived and have been added to my web site. If you are interested in any of these fish, please order them by Friday at 6:00 p.m. if you want them to be delivered to the meeting on Saturday. This will be the last chance to have fish delivered to a CCA meeting before the October meeting to save shipping cost or the drive to York. Please do not miss out on this opportunity.


CCA Members
New fish have arrived and have been added to my web site. If you are interested in any of these fish, please order them by Friday at 6:00 p.m. if you want them to be delivered to the meeting on Saturday. This will be the last chance to have fish delivered to a CCA meeting before the October meeting to save shipping cost or the drive to York. Please do not miss out on this opportunity.

I have Wild caught Aulonocara Lemon Jake with nice color and two 6" Mylochromis lateristriga males in stock.