So I think I have everything locked in for a new account . I talked him into letting me do a Discus community tank vs a reef tank . The tank is going to be 180 gallon tank, 8'x2'x2'. The plan is to have Rainbow cichlids, L400 plecos, discus, platinum angelfish pair, rummy nose tetras, cardinal tetras, endlers, red pencil fish, and wanting two groups of corys. Im doing a trickle down filtration system on this with a quiet tone return pump. The aquascape will consist of swords, crypts, anubias, tiger lotus, dwarf lilys, and a few other plants that Im not fully decided on. For wood I have three amazing pieces of manzanita drift wood and a few random pieces to put it all together.
Is there anyone here who has unique plants that I could possibly buy from? Also feel free to make input about the fish/ plant selection too. The lights on this tank will be HOT5 and a new LED light that I will try out to see how well it does.
Is there anyone here who has unique plants that I could possibly buy from? Also feel free to make input about the fish/ plant selection too. The lights on this tank will be HOT5 and a new LED light that I will try out to see how well it does.