Some time ago I purchased five young (2-3") neolamprologus which were labled N. bifasciatus (I just found the old name). I'm suspicious about the name, as they appear to be larger than called for in the books, as the pair is now in the 12-15cm TL range. They are quite aggresive with co-specifics, and I had to remove fish after fish until I had two that would tolerate each other alone in a 29 gal tank. They spawned and after the tank became overcrowded with what appears to be at least 50-75 fry, I moved them (and all their rocks/flowerpots) to a new 30L. After spending a couple of days bulldozing the tank, they spawned again and I have a 30L with the pair and lots of fry. This time, however, the male turned nasty and almost chewed the female's tail off. I put in a divider and they're both doing well with a transparent divider and some fry on each side. Her tail is growing back as well.
So what are they? I'm not sure. The fish is large for a Neolamprologus, at least 12cm long (5"+) at this time. I've got one photo of the male. Anyone have some ideas? Here's the pic.
Neolamprologus photo
So what are they? I'm not sure. The fish is large for a Neolamprologus, at least 12cm long (5"+) at this time. I've got one photo of the male. Anyone have some ideas? Here's the pic.
Neolamprologus photo