I believe there has been a change in the scheduled speaker. The topic will still be discus, the speaker is Hans Koops van 't Jagt. Hans works with Joe Szelesi (Enchanted Discus) importing German Discus. I'm looking forward to seeing Hans again. I owe him some discus magnets because Ron swiped his at the chistmas party gift exhange. :lol:
Marya, I specialy come to pick up the magnets and awwwwhhhhh while I'm there I can do the talk in the same time hmmmmm think Ron will be there to, so have to keep an eye on my magnets
Yay! Looking forward to seeing you. I finally got my first discus (i was very much enamoured by them at the holiday party). I got a german red-turquoise from Joe at the January workshop auction. So far so good, it seems to be doing well.