Need dirty filter sponge.


Hello folks,

I'm looking to finally get my living room tank up and running this week. The break in the weather allowed me to get my stand that I built finally painted. I need some materials to start my bacteria going to cycle this tank. Anyone in Baltimore city or surrounding areas could lend a hand?

Also can anyone recommend if I should add pure ammonia for a fish less cycle or if some dead shrimp works better? I'm hoping to have this thing cycled by the time big fish deal rolls around so I can get some severums going in here!


The harder part I've found these days is finding ammonia without surfactant in it. The wal mart brands have it now, but I have not looked at the Ace in a while.


So I think Greg is going to hook me up with an aqua clear 110 sponge so I'll be 'insta cycled' for the big fish deal. Very glad I found this club. Lots of people willing to help here.
You could also just get some cheap flake food and toss in a very small pinch every 3-4 days. Once you get the filtration going. It will help keep it cycled.


Fishless cycle with ammonia is really easy, you can find the ammonia on amazon if your hesitant, most that are usable have a review by a fishhead letting you know its safe.

It does take forever though, I just did it to my 180 and it took 3-4 weeks of dosing everyday, the nitrite to nitrate bacteria takes forever.


Yeah I got some pure ammonia from ace hardware in Burtonsville today to keep the bacteria alive until fish are in but a member here is going to help me with some used media to get everything seeded. Luckily I will be able to transplant my own sponge moving forward but I'll have some help on this first one.


Yeah I got some pure ammonia from ace hardware in Burtonsville today to keep the bacteria alive until fish are in but a member here is going to help me with some used media to get everything seeded. Luckily I will be able to transplant my own sponge moving forward but I'll have some help on this first one.

I already have two sponges going for you :)


I already have two sponges going for you :)

Thank you so much again. Just got the tank filled last night and let it reach room temp over night. Kicked the heater on and started the filters this evening when I got home. Tons of bubbles in the tank even before the filters went on so I think its just coming from the sand settling in and air bubbles escaping. Here's where I'm at tonight.



So with two donor sponges would you guys consider the tank insta cycled? I just pre ordered a fish from batfish so I hope it will be done by Friday. Should I dose it with the ammonia I got in the mean time?


I put the sponges in my tank last night and attached them to an airline with an air stone so they would get oxygen. I added about 2.0 ppm ammonia and this morning it's still there with no nitrite or nitrate? Will the BB take a day or two to cycle or did they die off on the ride home?