N. Gracilis F/s


My 38 is overcrowded, so it's time to move out some young fish. Parents are F1's, fry are 1.5-2", fat and growing. Asking $20 for 6, plus shipping. I have a good supply of breather bags, bag buddies, and styro for insulating boxes. Live arrival shouldn't be a problem with priority shipping.
N. gracilis are similar to brichardi, a little less aggressive, and produce smaller spawns, ~50 from a fully grown female. I will need several days notice to separate and hold off food for shipping

Fresh pics are here:http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v628/toddnbecka/gracilis pics/


L. multi fry, ~.5-.75", and (2) 1" yellow lab's.
Paracyp's are holding, currently have 3-4 females that should release soon, 4 recently released fry.
Cherry shrimp in a couple more months, building up a good breeding colony at present.
S. petricola's are probably spawning in the community tank, need to clear out the gracilis to use the 38 for breeding. Have a 30 long and a 30 tall, both empty, waiting to finish work on basement before setting up.