Myaka myaka


CCA Members
I have 4 Myaka myaka (Paul Loiselle F1 stock) that I'm growing out & hoping to have pair up. Anyone know @ what size these guys start showing any sexual dimorphism & @ what size they're likely to start breeding?

Most of my cichlid breeding experience has been w/ substrate/cave spawners. The exception being w/ the 220g Malawi tank @ the store, only I always pretty much let Mother Nature take her course there: those fry that made it, made it--those that didn't ...oh well. The Myaka being far more rare, however, I don't want to risk loosing any, assuming I wind up w/ a breeding pair/harem, that is.

Currently the Myakas, which range from 1.5-2" SL, are in a 30g w/ 6 P. nicholsi that I am also growing out (0.5-1.5" SL), 14 adult Volcano tetras to act as dithers, & a couple of 3-4" Bristlenose plecos. Though the tank is bare-bottomed, I do have a number of large plants in pots, plus caves & wood for hiding places.

BTW, though it's hard to tell on the smaller ones, it's looking as if the oldest 4 P. nicholsi are all male. Recently--last time we had a decent rain, actually--I did notice some courting behavior between the largest P. nicholsi (definitely male, as he was the one doing all the dancin' 'n' acourtin') & the 2nd largest Myaka (female, I presume)...& yes, I definitely plan to separate the 2 species once I'm fairly sure that the Myakas are of the right sex ratio & breeding ready.

Thanks in advance to any who answer!


CCA Members
Mine aren't (weren't?) big enough to breed at 2" or so...

I'd guess 3-4" is when they'll kick in, if Saratherodon linnelli, which is closely related is a guide.

They're mouthbrooders and harem spawners, so, depending on the M/F ratio, 4 might be too small of a group.

Good luck,