My little ruby red fry is the smartest, bravest, cutest

So out of six holding females in my ruby red peacock tank (thank you Tony) I appear to have a single solitary surviving fry. But he is the bomb!! He has managed to hide among the three rock piles for at least two weeks now, dodging petricola and hungry peacocks, and dashing around to get enough food. And he's also so smart! He's figured out that person who bends down and squints and looks in all the rocks and then produces a plastic syringe with flakes is the FOOD LADY! So now he is basically being "hand fed" every morning. And he comes out a bit from between his rocks and says "hi" and gets excited and eats like a pig.

I am soooooo proud.

Perhaps it's a really good thing I never had kids . . . :)


CCA Members
Are you going to get a bumper sticker?... My Ruby peacock is smarter than your honor student :)


Thanks for the smile! I have a couple random survivor fry I've scooped out of tanks after similarly falling in love with them. Cute cute.


CCA Members
Please, please, please give him his own tank - or a perfectly safe tank (or net breeder) - before he gets munched!

Hmmm. Matt. I'm afraid that chasing him around with a net is going to disturb his situation and make him vulnerable. He appears to have it under control in his own way. He looks almost big enough to not be a petricola meal and his hidey hole is too small for the peacocks to get him.