My first group of Aulonocara baenschi


So last weekend I attended the ACLC meeting at That Pet Place in Lancaster, PA. First off what a awesome group of people! Anyhow after an amazing talk from Jay from Cichlids Are Special about African Cichlids I picked up what was supposed to be 2M/4F Aulonocara Baenschi Cichlids.

Well, come to find out there is definitely not 2 but 3 males and I believe 3 females from the looks of it. Anyhow, it took a day for them to start to get there color back and today I noticed my one male displaying phenomenal color. Here are some shots I took of them.

This is one of my maturing males


This is immature male

Here you can really see the difference in the maturing and immature male

And two of my females