So I'm going to do a water change and I pull out the two buckets that the tank water goes into and at the bottom is a dried up assasin snail.
Now that annoys me for several reasons -- how are they ending up through the siphon ?????????? as the MTS don't (and this wasn't the first time). But most annoying is that they aren't cheap, they have a big job to do and I don't want to lose even one. But there he was, all dried up (it had been several days since I'd last used the bucket) and I decided, WTH, and I dropped him back in the tank.
He lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that annoys me for several reasons -- how are they ending up through the siphon ?????????? as the MTS don't (and this wasn't the first time). But most annoying is that they aren't cheap, they have a big job to do and I don't want to lose even one. But there he was, all dried up (it had been several days since I'd last used the bucket) and I decided, WTH, and I dropped him back in the tank.
He lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!