My 75g CA Community


This community tank has been up over 2 years now. They all get along very well. The HRP and JD are still young. The HRP and Con are a spawning pair. The Centrarchus and JD hang out together. Mixteco gold is boss. There is a fiesty little HRP Leucistic not shown who hidrs in her cave and defends it well.

Female Archocentrus Centrarchus
Young female JD
Male Thorichthys Mixteco Gold
Male HRP Rio Danli
Female Con

720p video



Thanks. They have all matured very nicely.

The rocks I believe are granite. It is the type uses for "rip rap" on the banks of lakes.

Here is a FTS. The HRP and Con live in the hollow tree. The JD and Centrarchus live behind the wood on the right. The HRP Leucistic has a cave at the bottom. And the Mixteco gold cruises around the right two thirds of the tank. No one enters the laft one third or the HRP and Con will double team and chase them away. There are three HRP x Con hybrids about 1" long in the crevices of the rocks. There are about five 1/4" HRP x Con hybrids that are on the far left side that the parents recently abandond.

