The only aggression in here is the male placidomis chasing the females to breed.He pays no attention to the 7 adult labs and about 8 juvies i grew out and put in this tank while it was empty for 2 weeks alone. then i added the adult labs and waited till the following saturday (week 4) and finally added the placidomis.Maybe their are too many labs for him to really chase.but he dont bother them. We will see as time goes on.I dont have any juvies butt plenty of fry growing out ready for you when you come to the EEC auctionThey will be close to 2 inches by then.We will talk before then and let me know what you have.Great mix of fish! The yellow labs work perfectly with the placidochromis. Both are about on the same level of aggression.... not at all, lol.
How many labs do you have in there? It looks like you could just let them breed and grow up the colony in that size tank with some decent fry hiding spots.
The Jalo are stunners! Do you have any juvies? I'd happily trade you some of my stuff.
Thank you,I had the pleasure of hanging out with Tommy this past weekend on ACLC's pet shop hop through NJ. He told me that for a long time, he had tinfoil barbs in the 125 but then got more and more into Africans, so he recently decided to get rid of the barbs and re-do the tank for Africans.
Well, he had sold three HUGE (really huge) tinfoil barbs to one of the pet shops on the hop, so I got to see the "BEFORE" fish in person, as well as shots of his now African set up.
Tommy, new set up looks really nice! Very colorful, nice aquascaping, very eye catching. Lots of room for the fish