Must be something in the water...


Not 24 hours after noticing the new BNP spawn, my Aspidoras deposited a small cluster of eggs on the new powerhead in the 55.

Not sure whether it's the rain, the increased flow, or some combination of the two. I'm hoping there are still some eggs left when I get home tonight. Maybe I can scrape them off and put them in a breeder box. Any pointers on this delicate procedure are much appreciated.


Past CCA President
I'm sure that all of the atmospheric changes we've had over the past few days have something to do with it. Congrats on the spawning activity!


Former CCA member
Certainly the barometric pressure dropped a lot over the last 24 hours. Having said that, my fish don't usually seem to notice.


nothing delicate about their eggs,roll them off the powerhead w ur finger? scrape w a scrapper/razor? take the whole powerhead out until they hatch??? super duper easy :)


nothing delicate about their eggs,roll them off the powerhead w ur finger? scrape w a scrapper/razor? take the whole powerhead out until they hatch??? super duper easy :)

It's only about 5 eggs and, so far, so good. How long do they take to hatch?

I might stop being lazy and remove them before that...