Misc. Stuff


As I'm doing some straightening and cleaning here and there, I'm coming across a few odds and ends that need to go. There just cluttering things up. I'll add to this thread as I go along ever few days or so.

First up:

1 unopened 500 ml bottle of Seachem Flourish Excel

10 pack of Seachem Flourish plant tabs, unopened.

1/2 bag of Ken's premium beefheart flakes, unopened

PM me and make an offer. Most of you who know me know I prefer to trade, but will take monetary offers on this stuff as well. I am willing to ship at your expense. Pick up preferred. I can bring to the January meeting if your not in a hurry.

Stuff I'd be interested in trading for:

female rainbow cichllid
feeder shrimp, crays or fry anyone needs to unload
plastic plants (weighted type)
portion of Poret foam

There are plenty of other fish or supply items I may be interested, so anything you might need to get rid of, just offer... you never know.

More stuff to follow soon.



LOL... yep... cash offers are fine. And again, I'm happy to hold whatever until the January meeting as well.



In addition to the stuff above that is still available, I also have 3 large bags of salt mix for saltwater tanks. 2 of the bags are unopened, 1 bag is open, but very little is missing. I do not know the brand of the salt mix. I got these bags from creepyoldguy when he sold his saltwater setup a few months ago. He may know the brand, if you need that info. I don't use the salt mix on my saltwater tank.

Again, make offer... trades preferred, but cash acceptable.

More stuff to come...



Oh yeah... Caleb's a REAL funny guy. :smashfreakB: LOL...

No interest in anything yet, huh? Okay then.

Added to the offering:

Large Severum... maybe 6.5" or so, give or take? Thick. Really pretty fish. I'm reluctant to part with him, but know I must. I'll post more info on him in a bit. No pics of him, but I can TRY to take a likely terrible one with my cell phone. I'll at least try to find a pic of the strain he is, and post it in a bit. Make an offer.

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