Mike Wise at Pittsburgh



Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society, Inc.
March 8 at 6:18pm
  • MARCH SPEAKER..... Mike Wise - Breeding Apistogramma for fun ... and profit? and anything else you want to talk about!
    Mike has been in the hobby for over 35 years and has kept dwarf cichlids almost from the beginning. Hes been a member of the Colorado Aquarium Society since 1977 and the American Cichlid Association since 1982. In the past, Mike was technical editor for The Apisto-gramm, the newsletter of the late Apistogramma Study Group. Presently, he is curator for Apistogramma at the Cichlid Room Companion web site. He has had articles published in several magazines and received writing awards from the ACA and FAAS. Mike has also translated into English three German language books on dwarf cichlids, as well as many scientific and hobby related papers. He is one of the contributors to the German/English book South American Dwarf Cichlids a Special Publication (Sonderheft) published by the German magazine DATZ. Among his many experiences is a four week trip in which he of lived, ate, and collected fish with native collectors in Peru and Colombia. Mike has presented programs at ACA conventions, as well as at local, regional, and international fish clubs on the various aspects of collecting, identifying, keeping, and breeding dwarf cichlids.



Did anyone go to this? How about a review? I would have, had it not been in conflict with the NEC convention.

Pittsburgh will also have Ian Fuller speaking at their meeting in June-mark your calender!