Mexican fish /cichlids and others


CCA member
Hi Fish Friends,
I haven't been on this site for months.
I am taking a beginning Spanish class and need to be able to show fellow Spanish students the tropical fish from Mexico.

I really do not know which fish are from Mexico...cichlids and others.
Would appreciate basic info (common name, scientific name, range, requirements and pictures). YUP..lots of pictures:D
Marge Collins

Frank Cowherd

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Staff member
Swordtails are native to Mexico. XIPHOPHORUS HELLERI These are the green wild variety, very nice. They were in Lake Xochimilco and the canal systems in Mexico City where they have the tourist flower boats.

Firemouths are native to Mexico Thorichthys meeki. When Carol and I lived there, we saw boys catch them, squewer them on sticks and cook them over a fire before eating them. They were the best looking firemouths you could ever hope to see.

There were bunches of plain grey/silver native tetras and lots of guppies but I do not think guppies were native to Mexico.
lots of cichlids, of course. but one of my favorite non-"monster" species is astyanax mexicanus, the mexican blind cave tetra.