Meanest Cichlid?

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Could have sworn I posted this yesterday, but I didn't see it among the new posts today...

Anyway, I don't know why I thought of this, but, I'm an inquiring mind and I want to know.

What do you think the meanest cichlid is?


Master Jedi & Past VP
So far for me, the nastiest one I have dealt with is the Male Auratus Mbuna.

When the male is breeding, he turns all black and is on a mission to kill everything in the tank except his female.

He is, for a lack of a better SOB.


CCA Members
Need to distinguish between meanest overall and meanest pound for pound.

Overall, Boulengerochromis microlepis is one bad fish. Apart from being huge, it's really nasty, especially when breeding. I remember seeing a TV special where a pair was defending its nest against big turtles.

Pound for pound, I'd also go with the auratus or another Melanochromis (chipokae?). Their relentlessness can reduce much larger fishes (including Red Devils and other "mean" CA cichlids) to hiding in corners. Stupid bumblebee crabro's are similarly mean, except that the males get like 8"...


Have no idea!!!! The nastiest fish I ever had was an adult Angelfish with an attitude problem..... I prefer nicer fish to those who are nasty.... And I don't call aggression or nastiness personality like some! Mind, nasty fish might also have personality, but its not the nastiness which is the personality.


Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Me too, Amanda. I've never been a fan of nasty fish. I know, though, that cichlids are a lot more agressive than a lot of other fishes. I was just wondering what the meanest of the mean was. If I found out on this list, I'm less likely to bring some home and find out the hard way.

Have no idea!!!! The nastiest fish I ever had was an adult Angelfish with an attitude problem..... I prefer nicer fish to those who are nasty.... And I don't call aggression or nastiness personality like some! Mind, nasty fish might also have personality, but its not the nastiness which is the personality.



Master Jedi & Past VP
I never said I was a fan.

Just to let you know, I traded that fish I spoke of immediately after he killed 5 of my fish.


I had a Kenyi that was so nasty I named it a** h**e for obvious reasons. It bit me when I was doing water changes and would come up to the top of the tank to whip its tail and spray water all over me. The poor thing kicked it a bit back and I was crushed. You'd think one would be happy when such a mean thing goes, but a cichlid is a cichlid and I love 'em all :) I think I wrote about him a while back on here, too.