This list is the possible fish I wanna stock my 60 gallon tank with. I would like to choose about 4 different species. Take a look and tell me what your opinion is on the list please.
Labidochromis caeruleus
Pseudotropheus demasoni
Labidochromis hongi
Pseudotropheus williamsi north Makonde
Pseudotropheus sp red zebra
Pseudotropheus williamsi red top mbejii
Ps ob red blotch zebra
Melanochromis johanni
I agree that if you want to do groups (rather than all male) it makes sense to focus on 2-3 species.
My experience is that if you have sufficiently different-looking members of the species, and sufficient numbers of females for the males of each type, they are still unlikely to hybridize. But realize that if you don't have the right gender ratios, lots of fish will take what they can get regardless.
Thoughts on your list specifically... you have some pretty aggressive fish in there. Demasoni, red zebras, and johanni are ones that I know of that could be rough on each other. Demasoni will fight virtually no matter what. Red zebras vary and IME are manageable but you have to get the gender ratio right once they get towards adult size. I have successful demasoni and tropheus colonies and lost plenty of fish to stress, but to this day, my red zebras are the only fish that have actually beaten another one to death (and that, multiple times).
L. caeruleus are a crowd pleaser because they're pretty (when good quality) and mild tempered as mbuna go. I am not a fan. They're a very inbred species and I have had trouble finding nice looking ones, and even if they look nice, having good looking fry.
If you are comfortable with, or seeking, the aggression, my pick would be demasoni and red zebras. Start with 20-25 dems and 10 RZs. Get rid of all but one of the male RZs when they are sexable, and erm... the demasoni will take care of themselves. Demasoni and yellow labs are a classic combo, but the orange fish will give you just as nice a color pop.
General recommendation is to avoid combining red zebras and yellow labs, as they are very likely to hybridize. This, in my experience, is totally true, gender ratios aside. They have similar enough coloration and almost the same body shape... they'll interbreed.
That said, I have always coveted some hongi... not sure which of the fish on your list they'd go best with, though.