Looking for low light plants


I have a 29g at work that I want to set up as a planted tank. Never done one before, so not really looking to put a lot of money into it yet. just looking for some decent plants that will do well with a low light source. Maybe some Water Sprite, Vals, java ferns, anacharis, any of the worts, etc. thanks for your help.


If you have a twin tube you should be able to grow some swords. I had a marble radican sword (I think that's what it is) in my 29.

I have all the plants from the 29, though I'm not sure you want them. They've been through a bleach dip and I'm waiting to see what makes it and what doesn't.


If you have a twin tube you should be able to grow some swords. I had a marble radican sword (I think that's what it is) in my 29.

I have all the plants from the 29, though I'm not sure you want them. They've been through a bleach dip and I'm waiting to see what makes it and what doesn't.

aren't those plants radioactive at this point :D?


i have cryptocorynes retrospiralis, tall narrow leafed. fast growing for a crypt. probably ~8 plantles that range from 7-10 inches tall now (will double or more in no time)

also have crypt sp. similar looking to retro, came from a friend who forgot what he purchased.. the get a red/orange hue under higher light.

also have echinodorus sp red devil and echinodorus sp jaguar plantlets. these are less common swords that get very red.

i think there is some narrow leaf java fern also,

let me know if they interest you. will post a sale thread shortly with pics and prices

i can ship for around six bucks also, i see ur pretty far from burke, VA


i have cryptocorynes retrospiralis, tall narrow leafed. fast growing for a crypt. probably ~8 plantles that range from 7-10 inches tall now (will double or more in no time)

also have crypt sp. similar looking to retro, came from a friend who forgot what he purchased.. the get a red/orange hue under higher light.

also have echinodorus sp red devil and echinodorus sp jaguar plantlets. these are less common swords that get very red.

i think there is some narrow leaf java fern also,

let me know if they interest you. will post a sale thread shortly with pics and prices

i can ship for around six bucks also, i see ur pretty far from burke, VA

I can vouch for Damian's plants, they are awesome.