Look who's Talking about Tangs at ACLC this Month!


Saturday May 21st at 1:00PM
at That Fish Place

Lake Tanganyika : Petrochromis, Gobies, Sand Sifters, and the Odd Ball Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika by Sarah Roberts (Longstocking)
Sarah has been a fish hobbyist for over 20 years, but it wasn't until more than halfway thru those 20 years that she found her passionCichlids from Lake Tanganyika.​
Born in California, moved to Australia and now residing in Maryland she has always lived near an Ocean, which bred her other passion...SCUBA.​
Sarah lives with her husband, cat and 34 tanks, which include some rare Cichlids from Lake Tanganyika and some exotic Plecos. She is a member of the ACA and has been on the Board of the CCA for several years. Sarah is also an administrator at EastCoastCichlids.org and a moderator on several Cichlid based websites.

for more information and directions --http://aclcpa.org


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
So is this an attempt to get people to come, or to warn them off:(. I'm confused:rolleyes:. I know, as usual, I need clarification.:lol::lol::lol:

I don't buy the 20 years either. She CANNOT be that old!



So is this an attempt to get people to come, or to warn them off:(. I'm confused:rolleyes:. I know, as usual, I need clarification.:lol::lol::lol:

I don't buy the 20 years either. She CANNOT be that old!


She was doing water changes wearing diapers!


lol... I had a tank when I was 7 :p
my mom hates fish because of it.... or I should say hates fish poop :p Mom did the water changes !!!
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And I know their will be lots of CCA folks in Lancaster to heckle, oops I mean support Sarah

Next Saturday


You better be since you put me up to it :p

I hope to see some of my friends up there... but if not, that is ok, I can make new ones :p


Thanks for having me Kurt! It was a fun weekend and once again I came home with Georgies plants :)

It was great seeing Hansie walk through the doors.... brought a smile to my face :)