Lepidiolamprologus hecqui "mbita"


So who knows anything about these guys.


Greg at little africa didn't have 6 gold occies and sent these instead of 2 of them.

They are a pair of Lepidiolamprologus hecqui "mbita"

So far I'm not so happy with them. They are just being a-holes to everything in the tank. Keeping my shellies shelled up mostly and just harrasing everyone. I hope they will calm down or they may have to find a new home


I have experience with Lepidolamprologus boulengeri and in that experience I found that this genus are a-holes -- like you said. I had a trio in a 36x18x12 (30B) the male picked off one of the females in the first month and constantly bred with the remaining female until she finally died. I did have success raising the fry though, that was rather easy.

Your hecqui pair are extremely nice looking though. Too bad they are little terrors.


you kept saying mbita i didn't know you were talkin about hecqui if you need a place to put them you can always throw them in my 120 :)


Yea couldn't remember any of the rest of the name. Wonder if they would be more or less aggressive in your tank? More targets calm them down maybe?

you kept saying mbita i didn't know you were talkin about hecqui if you need a place to put them you can always throw them in my 120 :)


How big is your tank?

There's no FTS photo so I don't know if you're already set up like this, but you can try breaking up the line of sight with plants or rocks. Shell dwellers tend to be less agressive toward others when they can't (easily) see them.


Actually my wife solved the problem, :( . She said why don't you put them in the 10 and move the Julies. Umm why the hell didn't I think of that. The Transcriptus male was very nervous in that little tank anyways. Hopefully he'll be happier now.

New pic of him from today.
